Beautify Eye with Soft Lens at the end of the year

 lens soft box or what's called a soft lens, for some women is one part to change the appearance becomes more attractive. Because the soft lens can enhance your eyes. Even for some women who like to travel to the party, its soft lens adapted to the used clothing.

Soft lens provides a wide selection of colors ranging from soft to bright. A soft lens brands such as presenting a choice of four colors plus a soft lens that is hazel, gray, blue and violet.

Soft lenses can make eyes look bigger and so it shines. So not surprisingly, many women who enjoy using a soft lens for eyes look bigger and interesting,

For some women who have never used a soft lens, of course, feel uncomfortable to use a soft lens. Apparently, before using a soft object on the cornea of your eyes there are some things that need to be done for you to feel comfortable when using a soft lens on your cornea.

'Before installing the soft lens in your eye, you should wash your hands with mild soap. Make sure your hands are free of lotions, deodorants that can damage the lens and make him uncomfortable,

After being washed, do not forget to dry. Because the soft lens was soft and could be flat if your fingers wet. To install the soft lens pull down the lower eyelid with the middle finger, and the eyes looked up to the whites of the eyes visible. Place the lens on the whites of your eyes

Once the soft lens was in the eyelids, eye blink and corneal lenses will go by itself. Feeling complicated in this way, there are other, more simple way. You can simply put the lens was soft at the center of your cornea.

''It is better, before using a soft lens researched in advance to ensure a soft lens to avoid tearing, sediment or dirt. If you see the incongruity, place a soft lens on the tip of your index finger with lekungannya facing upward,''he explained.

After a day using a soft lens, of course, when going to bed, soft lens should be on the loose. Before removing soft lens from the cornea of your eye, make sure your hands are clean. If not, your eyes will feel sore.

''Wash your hands before removing soft lens, then drain and make sure your hands are dry. If eyes feel dry, before releasing it's good to shed a soft lens with liquid lens lubricant eye. This fluid does not seem to make the eyes dry,''he explained.

At the time of going to remove a soft lens, lens movement down towards the whites of your eyes with your fingers. After that, press the lens gently with your thumb and forefinger and lift point out of your eyes.

Soft lenses have been apart of your cornea. Save the soft lens in a place that has been provided, so that any time you want to use it easily can be used. Because the use of soft lens is a period of three months and six months, depending on the brand of soft lens you buy.

When choosing a soft lens, make sure the water level is 55 percent higher maksmial. Because the soft lens with a higher moisture content will make eyes feel comfortable using soft objects on your corneas. Make sure when using a soft lens, do-ngucek rubbed your eyes with your fingers.

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